Tax planning
Tax planning is purposeful legal actions of the taxpayer aimed at reducing its expenses for the payment of taxes, fees, duties and other mandatory payments.
Tax planning is one of the most important components of financial planning (financial management) of a company.
The nature of tax planning lies in the fact that every taxpayer has the right to use legal means, methods and approaches to minimize their tax obligations.
Tax planning can be defined as planning the financial and business activities of a company in order to minimize tax payments and can be both can be both individually targeted and targeted and used in the financial and business activities of a wide range of business entities.
HLB Tajikistan – expert in tax planning
- Our successful and long-term practice, reasonable and effective approaches to communication and work with tax authorities, Regulators, representatives of their consulting services ensure our experts are aware of the latest trends, views and future plans regarding tax planning.
- Therefore, we can safely say that:
- we offer only legal, proven, practical, reliable methods of tax planning;
- we develop and implement effective options of solutions in the field of taxation, based on international and domestic practice, experience, knowledge of our experts and our own developed methods;
- we accompany the project in the process of implementation, monitoring, further servicing, maintenance and appropriate adjustment in case of changes in legislation, business environment and practice, which happens often and regularly.
In addition, close and productive cooperation with leading tax experts, representatives of the HLB International network gives us the opportunity to develop the optimal structure for the entire group of companies (international tax planning) to introduce, accompany, manage, feel the demands of realities and innovations.
What do we offer
- HLB Tajikistan provides tax planning services, in particular:
- tax planning (including development, implementation, monitoring);
- tax Due Diligence;
- preparation of objections regarding acts;
- tax audit;
- consulting services in the field of taxation;
- checking and preparation of tax returns on property status and incomes;
- tax consulting;
- advising and informing about changes in legislation;
- international tax planning.
For foreign, mixed companies, HLB Tajikistan offers operational support and resolution of issues regarding registration with foreign tax authorities, work permits and opening bank accounts.
To ensure an integrated and optimal approach to the selection of the option for development of the work of your company, we form a separate team of experts with experience and knowledge in your industry. Thus, in addition to the tasks assigned to us, this approach provides not only their solution, but also the provision of quick and effective recommendations in the complex.

Get in touch
Whatever your question our global team will point you in the right direction