HLB Tajikistan is a reliable partner, you can trust

Audit company HLB TAJIKISTAN is a member of the international network of independent audit firms HLB (London, UK). According to the rating of TOP-20 global audit companies, HLB is ranked 12th in the world and 7th in Europe. Each audit firm of the network meets certain quality criteria at the national and international levels.
HLB TAJIKISTAN – established in 2012 is one of the country’s leading professional services firms with expertise in audit, accounting, tax, legal, HR, accounting software implementation 1С, outstaffing and other services. The quality of execution and documentation of tasks for audit and internal quality control system is confirmed by HLB assignment of the 2nd quality level (highest, for network companies).
HLB TAJIKISTAN is the official partner of 1C firm.
HLB TAJIKISTAN’S client base covers a variety of industries including financial services, energy and natural resources, public sector, agro-industrial complex, telecommunications, retail, transport and industrial production. The firm’s office is in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.
HLB INTERNATIONAL is a global network of independent advisory and accounting firms formed in 1969. At the end of 2021 HLB serves clients through its member firms in 159 countries, with 32,839 partners and staff in 795 offices worldwide.
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HLB refers to the HLB INTERNATIONAL network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity.